If LeWeb was sponsored by the French Parliament, organised by a student groupt nobody ever heard of and announced five weeks before it happened would any respectable French blogger attend?
What if, 2 weeks before the presidential elections, Mr. Sarkozy would give a political speech? Would they come?
What if behind the event was a blogger nobody likes, because he is a real sleaze and untrusted person? What if you would try to fight a spam site and he would call you a member of the Securitate, would you attend? What if you found out that he stole the content of one of your sites and when to mention the source, he would play it dumb, would you come?
Would any of your American friends come? (i guess we found the answer to that one when the only important person on that list was you)
So, please, don’t judge.
That’s some of the reasons not one respectable Romanian professional blogger attended the event.
🙂 la un leweb din anii trecuti sarkozy chiar a fost invitat si a tinut un speech fix inainte de alegerile la presedinte din franta. Iar Loic, btw, are business in Bucuresti, ar fi fost prost sa nu vina pe banii WBF 😉 Drept pentru care nu il costa nimic sa fie dragut cu organizatorii…
research-research-research! 😀
la banii lui, crezi ca se bucura la un bilet de avion?
“The only important person was you” is entirely wrong, first because I am not important, but also because all the international bloggers who came were exceptional. Too bad we did not see you, perhaps at the occasion of one of my next trips. Finally, there were a few local bloggers so that’s also inacurate. Frankly, it’s too bad, it was a very nice and well organized event, I don’t know what you have against students having initiatives, especially when they work like hell the way they did. As far as politics are involved, it lasted about 30mins.
you are too kind. and politically correct.
as for me, i am not attending an event organised by a thief and liar. i am sorry. those students are just the front.