
So Sony is selling its Vaio division to some investment fund, because it’s loosing so much money and Sony wants to cut costs. Vaio is a good line of laptops, too bad it is so bad. What I would do is instate a bonus system for people working at Vaio: if you come up with a good idea you get to keep your job, but if you come up with a dumb one…

Let’s pus a shiny screen on a ultrabook!
Feed them to the lions!

Sharp corners on a laptop?
Feed them to the lions!

Numpad integrated with the normal keyboard?
Feed them to the lions!

4Gb of RAM on a premium laptop?
Feed them to the lions!

Sony is the leading force in optics. They sell image sensors to Nikon. They were the first to put an APS-C on a mirrorless. But they are out of touch with the rest of the world. World is not just Asia or just Japan.